Our MISSION is to foster a lifelong love of reading through publishing books that entertain, inspire, and educate. Genius Cat blends the imagination and whimsy of childhood with the wisdom of adulthood to create engaging books with messages that last a lifetime.

Work WITH us:
Genius Cat Books is an imprint of Kayppin Media, a company that supports the art of writing and illustrating for children by offering innovative publishing solutions. To learn about submissions and partnership opportunities, transport yourself HERE.

Supporting reading for EVERYONE:
GCB works with Authors4Education, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to increasing literacy and educational equity by getting books into the hands of kids who need them.

Karen Kilpatrick
Founder of Genius Cat Books | Kayppin Media | Authors4Education
I am a believer in the power of stories to connect, heal, educate, and inspire. My mom used to tell me stories that she’d make up while driving in the car, during meals, before bedtime – literally all the time! She’d create these zany worlds that would spark my imagination, helping me to view life from the perspective of possibilities. And when I became a mother, I began telling stories to my own children! Now, I write to remember the child in me - and for the benefit of all kids – who remind me of the power of possibilities. I hope that you enjoy reading our books as much as I love creating them.